The Role of Competitive Intelligence in Strategic Decision-Making: A Literature Review


  • Muhammad Alfi Fadhlurrahman Universitas Indonesia
  • Stanislaus Riyanta Universitas Indonesia
  • Abdul Rivai Ras Universitas Indonesia



Competitive Intelligence, Strategic Decision Making, CI Ethics, CI cycle, Big Data


Competitive Intelligence (CI) is an important element in a company's strategic decision-making in the midst of increasingly fierce business competition. In business literature, CI has been recognized as a vital tool for understanding a company's external environment and analyzing competitors' strategies. However, there is still debate regarding the role and effectiveness of CI in strategic decision-making. This study aims to explore the role of CI in strategic decision-making through a comprehensive literature review. The research method used is a qualitative method by analyzing various articles and journals related to CI and strategic decision making. The discussion in this study includes the importance of CI in providing relevant information, the methods used in CI implementation, and its impact on the company's strategic decisions. The results show that a deeper understanding of the role of CI in the context of strategic decision making, as well as providing recommendations to improve the effectiveness of CI in supporting corporate strategic decisions. The implication of this research is to provide valuable insights for business practitioners and researchers in understanding the contribution of CI to the strategic decision-making process. This research is also expected to be a reference for companies in optimizing CI implementation to strengthen competitive advantage in the market.


