The Use of Blockchain to Prevent Vote Manipulation in E-Voting for Electronic General Meetings of Shareholders in Indonesia


  • Blansius Ma Universitas Indonesia
  • Tjhong Sendrawan Universitas Indonesia



Blockchain, Digitalization, E-Voting, GMS


Digitalization in Indonesia continues to evolve. One of the many developments that will be discussed in this paper is the implementation of an electronic General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). There is an institution that has been appointed by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), namely the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) which has created a system called eASY.KSEI as the basis for implementing the GMS electronically. In its implementation, several weaknesses were found in this system, such as the absence of direct vote counting, lack of data transparency, and potential vote manipulation. This research was conducted to provide an understanding that efforts are needed to continuously update the existing system to prevent these things from happening. The use of Blockchain as a new e-voting system in electronic GMS is a worthy endeavor. This paper uses an exploratory research method. Existing data is obtained through literature studies in the form of books and current journals that are in accordance with the research topic. From the research conducted, it can be seen that the use of Blockchain is able to overcome the weaknesses in the eASY.KSEI system, such as a decentralized system, data immutability, and data transparency.


