Building Confidence and Well-being: The Power of Coach Communication and Personal Connections in College Basketball


  • Zulham Zulham Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Oki Candra Universitas Islam Riau
  • Hermanto Hermanto Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Pulung Riyanto Universitas Musamus



Coach Communication, Personal Closeness, Athlete Confidence, Athlete Wellbeing, Student Basketball


The relationship between coaches and athletes plays a critical role in shaping athletes' confidence, performance, and overall well-being. Effective communication and strong interpersonal connections between coaches and athletes are often key determinants of success in sports, particularly for student athletes who are balancing academic and athletic responsibilities. This research aims to identify and analyze the influence of coach communication skills and personal closeness on self-confidence and well-being of student basketball athletes at Universitas Negeri Jakarta and Riau Islamic University. The research used mixed methods with purposive sampling techniques to select participants who met the criteria, namely athletes and coaches with relevant experience in basketball teams. Data were collected through quantitative questionnaires to measure coach communication quality, personal closeness, confidence, and athlete well-being; as well as in-depth interviews and observations of interactions in training and matches to obtain more in-depth contextual data. Quantitative analysis was conducted using regression techniques, while qualitative data were thematically analyzed to identify key themes and patterns. The results showed that clear, open, and emotionally supportive coach communication had a significant effect on athletes' confidence and well-being. Athletes who perceived emotional support and effective communication from coaches were more motivated and confident in their abilities, which had a positive impact on their performance on the field. In addition, the personal closeness between coaches and athletes also increased athletes' confidence and emotional satisfaction. The implication of this research is the importance of communication skills and interpersonal relationships in the training process.


