Comparative Legal Determination of Post-Divorce Child Custody in Indonesia and Singapore


  • Sarah Nathaya Wibowo Universitas Indonesia
  • Flora Dianti Universitas Indonesia



Comparative L aw, Child Custody, Indonesia and Singapore


Divorce brings significant legal consequences, one of which is the dispute over child custody, requiring clear and detailed regulations to prioritize the welfare and best interests of children. This study examines the comparison of child custody provisions after divorce under Indonesian and Singaporean Family Law, focusing on identifying gaps and potential improvements for Indonesia. Every individual aspires to build a harmonious family, but marital conflicts can lead to divorce, affecting children and creating new legal challenges. This research uses a qualitative method, analyzing legal documents and relevant literature to explore how both legal systems address child custody. The findings indicate that Indonesia's regulations lack definitive and structured guidelines, often causing ambiguity, while Singapore's laws provide more comprehensive frameworks prioritizing children's welfare. The study suggests that Indonesia can adopt key insights from Singapore's legal system to establish alternative approaches and improve child custody provisions. This research has implications for policymakers in creating robust legal frameworks to ensure children’s well-being remains central in custody decisions, providing solutions to minimize post-divorce conflicts and better protect children's rights.


