Analysis of Erosion Rate and Sedimentation Rate at Batujai Dam using USLE and MUSLE Methods


  • Ni Luh Putu Lavidya Amartya Utari Universitas Mataram
  • I Wayan Yasa Universitas Mataram
  • Yusron Saadi Universitas Mataram
  • Eko Pradjoko Universitas Mataram



Erosion, Sedimentation, SDR, USLE, MUSLE


The main source of reservoir sedimentation is land erosion in rivers. According to the Nusa Tenggara 1 River Basin Center, the Batujai Dam is 38 years old and has had very significant shallowing. The Batujai Dam is a dam that has problems with sedimentation, compounded by the presence of water weeds such as water hyacinths and land erosion. As a result of the sedimentation process, the dam that was built does not function properly, and its storage capacity decreases, leading to a reduction in the dam's function and agricultural land productivity. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the erosion and sedimentation rate that occurs in the Batujai Dam as a reference for controlling and maintaining the reservoir to overcome sedimentation in the future. The methods used in the analysis of erosion rates are the USLE and MUSLE methods, and sedimentation analysis is calculated using the Boyce SDR equation. Obtained erosion in the Batujai Dam with the USLE method is 630,273.84 m3/year, and with the MUSLE method is 654,369.59 m3/year. The annual sedimentation rate with the Boyce equation is obtained at 97,185.80 m3/year with the USLE method and 99,496.57 m3/year with the MUSLE method.


