The Responsibilities of Notaries in Assisting the Issuance of Business Identification Numbers (NIB) for Non-Legal Entity Businesses Through Online Single Submission


  • Nindia Rizky Universitas Indonesia
  • Mohamad Fajri Mekka Putra Universitas Indonesia



Business Actors, Notary, Power of Attorney, Online Single Submission System


The Business Identification Number (NIB) serves as the official identity for business entities and must be obtained through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system. Business actors are required to register their business entities through the OSS system to ensure legal certainty regarding business licensing. However, in practice, many business actors delegate the registration process to notaries by granting a power of attorney, despite this practice not being explicitly regulated in current laws and regulations. This study aims to analyze the legal basis and responsibilities of notaries in assisting business actors with the registration process through the OSS system. Using a doctrinal research approach, the study employs both secondary data from literature and primary data from interviews. The findings reveal that the power of attorney granted to notaries holds legal validity, making notaries responsible for tasks specified in the power of attorney, particularly in assisting with data entry in the OSS system. Notaries who fail to fulfill these duties may face administrative sanctions (e.g., written warnings), civil sanctions (e.g., compensation), or criminal sanctions. The implications of this research emphasize the need for clearer legal provisions regarding the role and responsibilities of notaries in the OSS registration process, which would enhance legal certainty and accountability in business licensing practices.


