Lean Six Sigma in Digital Transformation Geotechnical Operational Integration using the G-Rocks Platform to Manage Geotechnical Hazards


  • Seno Maris Utomo Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Gatot Yudoko Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Ridho Kresna Wattimena Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Dradjad Irianto Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Edy Wicaksono Institut Teknologi Bandung




Lean Six Sigma, DMADV Framework, G-ROCKS Platform, Geotechnical Hazard Management, Real-Time Monitoring, Digital Transformation


Delays in the collection, analysis, and dissemination of geotechnical data are critical barriers that threaten operational safety and efficiency at PT Borneo Indobara. This research aims to design and validate the G-ROCKS (Geotechnical Real-Time Observation and Control for Key Stability) platform using the DMADV framework to address these issues. This research method uses quantitative methods including the development of the G-ROCKS platform consisting of real-time monitoring tools, geofencing systems, and control centers that can be accessed via dashboards and mobile applications. The implementation of this platform resulted in significant improvements, including reducing the average response time from 17 minutes to less than 5 minutes, exceeding the emergency team's SOP target of a maximum of 7 minutes, and achieving a Six Sigma performance level of 4.5 with a design target of 6.0. These findings highlight the importance of integrated geotechnical systems in reducing risks, accelerating decision-making, and preventing landslides through actions aligned with Industry 4.0 standards. This research provides implications in the form of applicative insights for adopting digital solutions to improve safety and efficiency in the mining industry.


