Notary Position Violations Regarding the Signing of a Cooperation Agreement Deed Outside the Notary's Jurisdiction


  • Fiola Ramadhanti Universitas Indonesia
  • Arsin Lukman Universitas Indonesia



Violation of Notary Position, Deed of Cooperation Agreement, Territory of Position


Notaries, as public officials, are entrusted with the authority to create written evidence in the form of notarial deeds, as regulated by the Notary Position Law. This law serves as a guideline for notaries in issuing notarial deeds and performing their professional duties. This research aims to analyze the violation of professional conduct committed by a notary in signing a Cooperation Agreement Deed outside the notary's designated office area, with a focus on the Decision of the Notary Supervisory Panel Number 05/PTS/MPWN Prov. West Java/IV/2024. Additionally, it examines the considerations of the Notary Supervisory Panel in addressing such violations and their implications for the notary's responsibilities. The research employs a doctrinal approach, utilizing secondary data collected through literature and document studies. The findings indicate that the violation committed by a notary in signing a Cooperation Agreement Deed outside the notary's office area can compromise the authenticity of the deed, raising questions about its legal validity. This research has significant implications for the practice of notarial law, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the Notary Position Law to ensure the authenticity and legal enforceability of notarial deeds. The results also highlight the need for stricter oversight and clearer guidelines by supervisory panels to prevent similar violations and maintain the integrity of the notarial profession.


